
Showing posts from January, 2023

Is pop culture the pro or antagonist?

         Hey readers! It's a lovely day to talk about pop culture and its effects on society.           Pop culture is basically  modern popular culture converted into the mass media which is projected onto the new generation. It can be a platform such as social media, magazines, music, and television all giving a way for people to voice their opinions or beliefs. It's hard to say whether or not pop culture is particularly bad or good for society, I can definitely say that it's beneficial. some who feel that they don't have a voice in the real world can use pop culture as a way of being heard, however this new version of popular culture can blindside one to forget the mechanics we grew up on. Speaking out for yourself and making a stand in person can make a thousand percent more of a difference rather than just using the media. But without the media we also wouldn't be where we are today, we wouldn't see the ways of societ...

The Story of Me

      Hey readers! Pariss Moore here, I'm 22 years old and a sophomore at this university. Im a biology major and I took this class to satisfy my graduation requirements. I love to travel, be around those I love, and to dream big about my future. Im not fond of writing it wouldn't be something I just get in the mood to do but when I do compose a writing piece I like to think of it as at least a little bit decent lol. I believe the punctual and creative parts of me like to come out.        As a baby my first words were "dada", I've always thought of myself as a daddy's little girl so that being the first thing to come out wasn't a surprise. As some years went by my literacy started to become more imminent. My parents wanted to make sure I knew what words even were so they purchased learning videos for babies where they would sound out words for me and make it entertaining for the young mind. Generally I would say these posi...