Eyes bigger than your stomach?
Hello readers, today we're going to take a turn to a more pressing matter, obesity. In today's society obesity has skyrocketed immensely to never before seen numbers in the young community. Unfortunately the focus is on ages 6-19 because these are the people that eat unhealthy food the most and are struggling with weight conditions. Is fast food the new tobacco? I would say this is a question where I can see the cons and the negative pros of why people eat fast food so much. Once in a blue moon craving for fast food never kills anyone but when it comes to resorting to this outlet of fast food such as McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, etc... It can lead to horrible consequences. Take the film "Super Size Me '' for example, you can view for yourself the devastating effects it took on the filmmaker's body. However some people may not be able to afford a home cooked healthy meal at home, that's when fast food becomes their only option as some...